Activate expanded Save and Print menu’s in OSX
Here are two commands to activate the expanded Print and Save menu’s under OSX by default. You need to type these in a terminal window. 1) For expanded Print menudefaults write -g PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool TRUELogoff and back in again to activate. Reissue the command replacing TRUE with FALSE to turn expanded functionality off. 2) For…
Quick command line trick to make your Leopard stacks look nice….
Here is a quick command to make Leopard’s stacks behave nicer when you move your mouse across the icons. You can type these two commands in terminal to activate the feature:defaults write com.apple.dock mouse-over-hilte-stack -boolean YESkillall Dockor alternatively if you don’t like the look, type the following in terminal to reset it back:defaults write com.apple.dock…
Four little Security tools you should install in Ubuntu
These should probably also be installed under other linux distros (might already be). But for the sake of completeness here they are: 1) denyhosts: great little package that’s already 98% configured after apt-get install process. It runs as a daemon and monitors /var/log/auth.log file for unsuccessful ssh logins and takes measures to ban the originating…
Custom Date Display for OSX
Came across this tip today and I thought it might be useful to some of you out there. OSX, as great as it is, has always had this (atleast) one shortcoming for me. The stupid date display in the menubar. Why did they decide to hide the actual date/day of the week is beyond me.…
Vista Network Blues…Repeated network disconnect
A lot of people seem to be running into weird network problems with Vista (MS’s latest abortion). The symptoms might include: – Windows messenger issues (disconnects, slowness)– Large network file copies get interrupted or are slowwwww– Network file transfers that seem to hang for no reason– Network ghosts turning on/off the network subsystem– Routers having…
Stripes be gone…..
If you like to get rid of the stripes in the list view of the new Leopard Finder, open a Terminal Window and type in the following two commands:defaults write com.apple.finder FXListViewStripes -bool FALSEkillall FinderIf you want the fancy stripes back at some point later, type the following two commands in Terminal:defaults write com.apple.finder FXListViewStripes…
Turn-off Leopards 3D Dock
Just noticed that if you place your dock on either side of the screen you get a flat dock, instead of that floating 3d look. As much as I like the 3D look, I liked the flat look even more, so after poking around I found out how to disable the 3D look. Open a…
OSX Webmaster special: Shared webserver, bad umask settings, group permissions and filenames with spaces…
Okay so this all started with our users not being able to share files on our webserver. We use SSH only for upload/download and interactive access (ie: no ftp). Through trial and error we found out that the default umask (under OSX Server) for sftp uploaded files are 0033 (ie: rwxr–r–) and directories are 0022…
Right Mouse and Delete Buttons under XP on Inter Mac’s
This one has been bugging me for so long that once I figured it out today I had to let other know as well. If you’ve been using Windows on your mac using bootcamp you’d know how frustrating it is not to have the right mouse button — you can remedy this with a mouse…
Alt-TAB application switching
This is one of the only things I’d missed about windows, since I started using OSX….the Alt-TAB application switching behaviour. I know, you can do switching under OSX using Command-TAB, but it’s just not the same. That’s where witch comes in. It’s a totally configurable donationware app that once loaded allows you to use Alt-TAB…