Using Raspberry Pi 3 to allow Pepper Robot to connect to WPA2 Enterprise Network…
This procedure allows you to create a router/AP using a Pi3 that connects to a WPA2 Enterprise network over it’s external wireless interface (wlan1) and allows clients to connect through it’s wired ethernet (eth0) and internal wireless ethernet (wlan0) to access the internet through the NAT interface. So here are the requirements: Pepper Robot has…
Latest Raspbian (2017-07-05-raspbian-jessie) dd: /dev/rdiskX: Invalid argument on OSX and other potential issues with “apt-get” post install
So this morning I was trying to install the latest rasbian image onto an uSD card and was getting a strange error when I issued dd. I was using rdisk (BSD raw disk) device to speed up the image writing process (note: I don’t think you get this error if you just use /dev/diskX). The…
Getting the most out of plymouth or how to make raspbian jessie boot with a full splash screen
Assuming you want the fancy splash screen (ie you want to hide the ugly boot messages), add “quiet splash logo.nologo plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles” to the end of the single line in /boot/cmdline.txt file. This enables the splash screen. Now you need to choose one (I like spinfinity), so issue the following command to switch from default (bland grey…
Designing a six channel 24/7 streaming video player for digital signage
So here are the design goals: Provide atleast 6 channels of streaming video. Allow “hot” switching between streams using a remote control. Allow network to fail and be able to have the stream automatically recover. Allow the Pi to autostart on a particular stream when powered. Be flexible enough to potentially provide more than 6…
IRadio = Raspberry Pi + Adafruit PiTFT (with buttons) + MPD + NCMPCPP + Bluetooth BeatsPill Speaker + Custom Frame Buffer Pygame code
So over christmas holidays I spent about 5 days to perfect my raspberry pi based internet radio player. You’ll need the following hardware: Raspberry Pi model B USB Wifi dongle (something that works with Raspbian would be nice). I got this one (http://www.adafruit.com/products/1030) from Adafruit. SD card (I’m using a 16GB card, but I think…
Notes on getting the most out of Screenly OSE for Raspberry Pi
For those that are not familiar, Screenly is a Digital Signage System for the Pi. There is a open source edition of it (OSE) that you can just download and install on your own SD card. I’ve been messing around with it for the past few days and it’s surprisingly simple and powerful. Below are…