Category: OSX

  • How to get Admin rights in OSX Leopard using single user mode…

    Here is a quick way to gain access to that leopard machine you don’t remember the admin password to. Yes I know this can be used by all the kiddies out there, but lets hope they are smarter than that. To start, reboot the machine into single user mode by holding down command-s before the…

  • Disk for Iphone….Turn your IPhone (IpodTouch) into a portable HD.

    MacFUSE project has grown a lot since we last covered it here and here. MacFuse 2.0 is here and it’s looking really nice. MacFUSE is the mac implementation of FUSE (File-system in USEr space) filesystem originally developed for Linux. For those of you who’ve not heard of this gem before, MacFUSE allows you to extend…

  • Would you like your PC over IP?

    Imagine if you could hide your 16 Core, Quad GPU, Nitro burning gaming PC in the closet in the basement. What if you could build the next University lab where all the highpowered CAD workstations where humming away in the machine room and you could actually “teach” in a quite classroom/lab. Fill in the rest…

  • How to get Axis 207W Camera to work with Quicktime Streaming Server or Darwin Streaming Server

    I have to admit I have not touched DSS in a while, but the instructions below are generic enough that you should be able to alter it for your Darwin Streaming Server. For the purpose of this exercise I assume your Axis camera is setup for mpeg4 video and aac audio. I also further assume…

  • How to turn Spotlight OFF (and ON Again)….Leopard Solution

    A number of people mentioned that the previous tip on how to turn spotlight on/off does not work with Leopard. Now that I’ve had a bit of time, I’ve confirmed this and found a way around it (it’s even easier in Leopard). Here are the details specifically for OSX 10.5+ (Leopard). To turn off Spotlight…

  • Energize your Mac’s Safari browser….

    If you’ve been wanting some of the newer features of the “other” browsers in Safari, Glims might just be the right thing for you. Glims is a Safari plugin (OSX only) that gives you a lot of new features: Adds thumbnails to search results Adds thumbnails to search results Adds search engines to…

  • Apple pulls out of Mac World 2010 and beyond…..

    Yep, you heard right……First they pulled out of NAB (last year) and now Mac World. Why you ask?….well in their own words: Apple is reaching more people in more ways than ever before, so like many companies, trade shows have become a very minor part of how Apple reaches its customers. The increasing popularity of…

  • µTorrent (uTorrent), now available for OSX…..

    Finally. Now all of us macheads can have a (very) tiny bittorrent client too. Yes, I’m talking about the public beta of µTorrent (uTorrent) which was just opened today. Head over here and grab your copy. Sadly it’s 10.5 Intel only….

  • COGE: Opensource mac VJ software…..

    If you like Quartz Composer and are into VJ/Visual software, CoGe might just be for you. It’s got clip triggering, effects, mixing and playback modules. Check out the CoGe forums for more info…..For now here is a “Intro to CoGe 0.85b” and “What’s New in 0.93b release” videos: CoGe 0.85b – Quick Start Guide from…

  • Energize your Apple TV based Media Centre machine with BOXEE….

    I was lucky enough to get a alpha Boxee account and I have to say…..It’s slick. If you haven’t tried it, head over to and sign up for a invite (Mac OS and Linux only for now). If you already have an account you might be interested in this tutorial video that shows you…