HDHomeRun: Linux/OSX command line reference for hdhomerun_config
You use hdhomerun_config to manually configure HDHomeRun to stream video to a PC running VLC… You will need: VLC – http://www.videolan.org/vlc/hdhomerun_config – http://www.silicondust.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1923 1) Discover HDHomeRun Run “hdhomerun_config discover” to find the HDHomeRun units on the local network. If you have more than one HDHomeRun on your network then replace the wildcard FFFFFFFF Device ID…
Taking Screenshots
To take a screen shot, hold down the following keyboard shortcuts. * shift + command (the Apple key) + 3 for a shot of the entire screen. * shift + command + 4 for a way of clicking and dragging around the area you want a shot of. * shift + command + 4 then…
Folder Actions…..Whhaaattt?
So I’ve been wondering about Folder Actions for a while now….they are actually quite neat, if you know what they do. This is a feature of the Finder that very few people use, yet it is so powerful. Folder actions allow you to perform an action to any file that is dropped into the folder.…
Rectangular Selections
Many Mac OS X applications allow rectangular selections. That is, selecting multiple lines of text, without having to select up to the end of each line. This can be useful if you have created a text formatted table, and want to select an entire column, or if you want to modify the same thing on…
Only on a Mac
So all you Mac freaks….here is something to show your PC friends. Set your system screen saver to something cool (RSS Visualizer) and run the Terminal. At the command line type the following command (make sure your Desktop’s background is not covered with windows): /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.app/Contents/MacOS/ScreenSaverEngine -background Neat or what? You can stop it using Ctrl-C.
Flock Rules…..
This is my first post using a new Browser named Flock. Flock is a OSX native browser based on firefox code, but with lots of neat ideas integrated inside. One thing I really like is the blogging feature right in the browser, Browse, Find, Highlight, Blog…..It’s real easy. Try it for yourself http://www.flock.com
Resizing Mac Partitions on-the-fly
As of OSX 10.4.6 you get a extra bonus if you use the terminal and run diskutil. The new addition is the function resizeVolume. Note that this command works only on Intel Macs with hard disks formatted using the GPT (GUID Partition Table) format with a journaled Hierarchical File System Plus (HFS+) file system. This…
Speed up Sheets…
Open Terminal, and then type this command, followed by the Return key: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime time where time is a time in seconds from, say, .001 to 2.
Set/Change the default Umask…
Open Terminal, and then type this command, followed by the Return key: defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences NSUmask # defaults write -g NSUmask -int # The first sets the system default, the second sets the per-user default. The NSUmask may not be honored by software that has not been adapted for OS X. # is the umask…
Turn off Dashboard…
Open Terminal, and then type this command, followed by the Return key: defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES This tells the system that you no longer wish to have Dashboard available. However, the Dashboard task is actually “owned” by the Dock, so to make your changes take effect, you need to restart the Dock. The…