Latest Raspbian (2017-07-05-raspbian-jessie) dd: /dev/rdiskX: Invalid argument on OSX and other potential issues with “apt-get” post install
So this morning I was trying to install the latest rasbian image onto an uSD card and was getting a strange error when I issued dd. I was using rdisk (BSD raw disk) device to speed up the image writing process (note: I don’t think you get this error if you just use /dev/diskX). The…
Manipulating the Clipboard from the Command Line
Manipulating the Clipboard from the Command Line: “Copy and Paste are absolute necessities for virtually all computer users, and if you find yourself working in the command line frequently, you’ll want to know how to manipulate the clipboard. The commands pbcopy and pbpaste do exactly what they sound like, copy and paste through the command…
Installing Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Ultimate (Maya) 2014 for OSX from command line
After battling this for about a week I think I’ve got it figured out. You can install all the required packages and get everything to talk to your license server from command line. BTW, before I start, you need to have a functional license server otherwise you can stop reading now. I’m gonna use licserver.com…
Creating OSX and Windows compatible Dropbox Functionality in Windows Server 2008 R2 with Dell FS7500 NAS backend.
This took a while to figure out, mainly because I’m a unix guy trying to “figure out” Windows Server and it’s archaic ACL system and the fact that ACL’s/attributes under OSX are just insane. The main issue I had with all the other recipes on the net describing this process was that it did NOT…
Get rid of double (triple) entries in Finder’s “Open With” Menu
Does sh*t like this make you wanna smack your mac :-) Here is a quick way to rebuild the Launch Services database and get rid of duplicates in the Open With submenu: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user This process should take about a minute or two. You should check to see…
Steve Jobs’ Speech From 1983 About Things That Didn’t Exist Until Now
Steve Jobs’ Speech From 1983 About Things That Didn’t Exist Until Now | iPhone in Canada Blog – Canada’s #1 iPhone Resource: Back in 1983, Steve Jobs spoke at International Design Conference (IDCA) in Aspen. Now, the full 1-hour audio recording of Steve’s amazing speech discussing things like wireless networking, App Store and the iPad has surfaced, thanks to folks…
How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox
How to Run Mac OS X Inside Windows Using VirtualBox: Maybe you’d like to test drive OS X before switching to a Mac or building a Hackintosh, or maybe you just want to run that one killer OS X app on your Windows machine. Whatever your reason, you can actually install and run OS X on any Intel-based…
Preview Fonts with One Click in the OS X Font Window [Mac Tips]
Preview Fonts with One Click in the OS X Font Window [Mac Tips]: Most OS X apps have a small “Fonts” window that pops up if you want to change your font’s options, but by default, it doesn’t show you what each font actually looks like. Here’s how to show a preview of every font with one…
View more export options in Preview
View more export options in Preview: Preview in 10.8 has removed a number of export options. If you choose File > Export, there are only six options in the Format popup menu, compared to 13 in the Lion version of the application. Alas, this is yet another feature that has more options hidden behind an…
Copying large number of files between two Unix/Linux/OSX Servers
Here are some quick tip(s) for copying a ton of files between unixy machines really fast. You’re probably thinking “why not use rsync?”…..well rsync can be miserably slow if your source or destination cpu is underpowered. You can always do a rsync after these commands to make 100% certain that everything checks out, but try…