Duplicate your Ubuntu Installation….
As good as Ubuntu (and linux) are in general, once in a while you just get to a point where you need a reinstall. That’s when the realization kicks in that you’ve got far too many packages installed since the initial Ubuntu install. It’s okay, there is a way out. Make sure you have a…
Disk for Iphone….Turn your IPhone (IpodTouch) into a portable HD.
MacFUSE project has grown a lot since we last covered it here and here. MacFuse 2.0 is here and it’s looking really nice. MacFUSE is the mac implementation of FUSE (File-system in USEr space) filesystem originally developed for Linux. For those of you who’ve not heard of this gem before, MacFUSE allows you to extend…
Would you like your PC over IP?
Imagine if you could hide your 16 Core, Quad GPU, Nitro burning gaming PC in the closet in the basement. What if you could build the next University lab where all the highpowered CAD workstations where humming away in the machine room and you could actually “teach” in a quite classroom/lab. Fill in the rest…
Super Ubuntu save you time….
If you’ve ever installed Ubuntu and started cursing right after because some piece of software you thought was in there wasn’t, then Super Ubuntu might be for you. It’s basically Ubuntu with a bunch of useful applications pre-installed. You even update through the standard Ubuntu methods. The only downside is that the distro is 32-bit…
DIY PS3 Cluster Howto…
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth: ATMC Physics Professor Gaurav Khanna and Principal Investigator Chris Poulin have created a great step-by-step guide that shows you how $4000 and a bit of elbow grease can get you a nice supercomputer cluster. They use Fedora Core 8 distribution, due to the prevalence of Fedora and its Cell SDK (3.0)…
Energize your Apple TV based Media Centre machine with BOXEE….
I was lucky enough to get a alpha Boxee account and I have to say…..It’s slick. If you haven’t tried it, head over to boxee.tv and sign up for a invite (Mac OS and Linux only for now). If you already have an account you might be interested in this tutorial video that shows you…
Seam Carving Gui….Resize images just like the new Photoshop CS4
So you’ve probably been hearing a lot lately about the new feature in Photoshop CS4 that allows you to resize an image in a way that the image will not get distorted. Dubbed Seam Carving (we covered it here, here and here), the new function is all the rage.Well, if that’s the only reason you’re…
Synkron, because syncing can be such a pain….
I know, rsync is the answer to all my prayers, at least as far as syncing data is concerned. I agree, BUT sometimes you just want a simple GUI (yes pointy/clicky) application to do the job. Well that’s were synkron comes in. A simple applications that does one thing and it does it well, synchronizing your files/folders.…
How to mount CD/DVD images from command line under Linux
Here are some quick CLI commands to get those CD/DVD images mounted under Linux (without having to burn them first). # ISOmount -t iso9660 -o loop,user file.iso /path/mount_directory # MDFmount imagen.mdf /path/mount_directory -o loop=/dev/loop0 # NRGmount -o loop,offset=307200 imagen.nrg /path/mount_directory
Basic APT commands
Okay, now for a bit of CLI goodness. Here is a quick list of basic apt commands. Debian and most derivatives (Ubuntu) use these for package maintenance.#searchapt-cache search packagename #package infoapt-cache show packagename #cleansudo apt-get cleansudo apt-get autoclean #old packages #checkapt-get check #get source codeapt-get source packagename #get depapt-get build-dep packagename #update/install/remove/upgradesudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get…