IRadio = Raspberry Pi + Adafruit PiTFT (with buttons) + MPD + NCMPCPP + Bluetooth BeatsPill Speaker + Custom Frame Buffer Pygame code
So over christmas holidays I spent about 5 days to perfect my raspberry pi based internet radio player. You’ll need the following hardware: Raspberry Pi model B USB Wifi dongle (something that works with Raspbian would be nice). I got this one (http://www.adafruit.com/products/1030) from Adafruit. SD card (I’m using a 16GB card, but I think…
Things you need to know before buying an LCD monitor…..
Research, research, research…..and then some more research. (most) LCD manufacturers are trying to cut costs down so you need to know what you’re paying for before you walk into the store. So here are a bunch of good sites to go to in order to find the relevant information: Jeff Atwood’s great little introduction of…