Category: iPodTouch

  • SharePod…..The only tool you need to maintain your Ipod

    I came across sharepod the other day while looking for a Ipod offload tool for OSX. My Ipod was full with music I wanted to keep, but I was leaving on a long trip so I wanted to have some movies and tv-shows with me aswell. To make a long story short, as much as…

  • FFmpeg commands for ipod video encoding…

    So I found out the hard way that the new ipod’s (with video out) can actually play 640×480 video and also figured out how to get iTunes to accept the encoded files (so that I could sync them with the device)…….here is the run down: “TV-Out” mode – 1.5Mbit/s 640×480 H.264 videos BIT_RATE <= 1500 kbps…

  • More aka.iPhone and Quartz Composer Experiments…..

    So now that I have a basic OSC receiver for aka.iPhone’s XY controller, I’ve been going through Apple’s Demo Compositions — under /Developer/Examples/Quartz Composer/Compositions — and adding my portion of the OSC receiver to them. Here is the latest one, akaRemote-Caterpillar, which is a adaptation of “Caterpillar.qtz” under /Developer/Examples/Quartz Composer/Compositions/Interactive. Again I need to remind you to…

  • aka.iPhone and Quartz Composer Experiments…..

    I assume you know what aka.iPhone is and what it does. If you don’t please see this article over at Create Digital Motion. I’ve got aka.iPhone 2.1 installed on my ipod touch and while I enjoyed playing around with the accompanying MAX/MSP patch — via the free runtime — I wanted to see if I…