Creating OSX and Windows compatible Dropbox Functionality in Windows Server 2008 R2 with Dell FS7500 NAS backend.
This took a while to figure out, mainly because I’m a unix guy trying to “figure out” Windows Server and it’s archaic ACL system and the fact that ACL’s/attributes under OSX are just insane. The main issue I had with all the other recipes on the net describing this process was that it did NOT…
Setting NTP time server on Dell FS7500 through command line
SSH to the Group Interface IP (10.100 in our case) Login as “fse” Password “” At the CLI prompt check the current cluster time using system time-configuration view If the time is wrong reset it (This will turn off NTP sync) using system time-configuration -updatetime “DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS” Use the view command to check it again.…