Category: CLI

  • How to set the Boot Volume from CLI in OSX

    I’ve run into this issue a number of times a year, including today again, and I have to dig up the email I sent to myself last year with the command line in it. If, like us, you have a bunch of headless Xserves and you’re trying to (re)install OSX on them you might have…

  • Good old TTY…

    I love tty. I love command line. I love vi. Well if you agree with any one of these statements, you have to check out It is absolutely simple and stunning at the same time. All you need is a telnet connection (you can even do it across serial terminals). Here is how it…

  • HDHomeRun: Multicast

    Using hdhomerun_config command you issue the following (after tuning into the channel ofcourse): 1) hdhomerun_config set /tuner0/target none2) hdhomerun_config set /tuner0/channel qam:a) hdhomerun_config set /tuner0/streaminfo3) hdhomerun_config set /tuner0/program4) hdhomerun_config set /tuner0/target MCast Address is in range of: –>

  • HDHomeRun: Monitoring Signal Strength from command line

    The Windows GUI version of hdhomerun_config will display the signal strength and signal quality updating every second. Under linux or osx you can use “watch” with hdhomerun_config:hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF get /tuner0/channel 8vsb:watch hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF get /tuner0/status (If you have more than one HDHomeRun then specify the device ID rather than FFFFFFFF)

  • HDHomeRun: Automatic Channel Scan from command line

    The CLI version of hdhomerun_config supports running an automatic channel scan. The CLI version of hdhomerun_config can be downloaded from: Usage: hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF scan For example: OTA ATSC:hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF scan /tuner0hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF scan /tuner1 Digital Cable:hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF scan /tuner0hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF scan /tuner1

  • HDHomeRun: To save the RAW TS stream to disk

    To save a 30 second unfiltered clip of a broadcast stream: 1) Use HDHomeRun Config (GUI) to choose the physical channel.Ensure VLC is not running for the next commands… 2) Open a cmd prompt and change into the HDHomeRun program directory:cd “C:\Program Files\Silicondust\HDHomeRun” 3) Set the filter:hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/filter 0x0000-0x1FFE 4) Save the stream…

  • HDHomeRun: Linux/OSX command line reference for hdhomerun_config

    You use hdhomerun_config to manually configure HDHomeRun to stream video to a PC running VLC… You will need: VLC – – 1) Discover HDHomeRun Run “hdhomerun_config discover” to find the HDHomeRun units on the local network. If you have more than one HDHomeRun on your network then replace the wildcard FFFFFFFF Device ID…