Category: Art

  • Tiny ASCII animations in your browser’s address bar

    Extremely cool ascii animations in your URL bar. Works in Firefox and Chrome. Doesn’t work in Safari. Check out the Volumeter (listen) and the shooter game (pewpew). Use cursor keys and space bar in pewpew.

  • What Internet search would have looked like when IBM System 360 ruled the world

    Google60 is Norbert Landsteiner’s art piece that tries to convey what search would have looked like back in the 60’s — when IBM System 360 monsters ruled the machine rooms. An absolute gem for all the 360 nerds left out there.

  • If you’re a Queen fan, watch this….you’ll pee your pants laughing.

    Absolutely awesome art piece by James Cochrane (who just happens to be from my hometown….Toronto). For the nerds out there following bits of technology make up the “orchestra”: Atari 800xl and Floppy Drive 3.5 Inch Hard Drive Adaptec 2940UW SCSI Card TI-99/4A and Tape Drive 8 Inch Floppy Drive HP ScanJet 3C Eico Oscilloscope

  • Best 12 minutes you’ll spend in January……

    The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo. Check out Alex Roman’s “The Third & The Seventh” video. Absolutely amazing and right up there with some of the best produced pieces of art I’ve seen on the net. The amazing part is that except some small compositing elements, the rest of the movie…

  • Desktops Wallpapers that will blow your mind…..

    Yah, I know, Wallpaper…..boring…..right? Well, take a look at the walls over at Desktopography and I think you’ll agree they are special. My Favourite right now (has lots of Toronto themes).

  • Got 20 minutes……you need to watch this.

    Here is a 20 minute video of a fantastic (stunning, mind blowing, awesome, whatever….) projection mapping performance put on during the Ingravid Festival in Figueres, Spain. Telenoika Audiovisual Mapping @ Ingravid Festival, Figueres 9/2009 [FULL] from Telenoika on Vimeo. // catalàMapeig audiovisual de l’Associació Cultural Telenoika a la façana del Teatre Jardí, en la primera…

  • Nuit Blanche: Multitorch

    Toronto Nuit Blanche was a blast. For those of you who don’t know: Nuit Blanche (literally White Night or All-Nighter in French) is an annual all-night arts festival. Its exact beginning is disputed between Paris, St Petersburg, and Berlin, but, taking elements from all of these, the idea of a night-time festival of the arts…

  • Another mind blowing art installation……

    So what happens when an artist combines a 3D gaming engine, the power of blender and processing and a dash of human powered mechanical abomination? :-) Bince McKelvie describes his project: Lb to Sf via bike is an interactive installation/game that documents a bike trip my friend and I took from long beach to san…

  • Touchless, Gestrual Interface, Powered by Electrostatics

    Great video showing a bizarre and novel way of creating a gesture based interface. You literally touch nothing….Air…..and the interface does the rest. Pretty interesting project. According to Justin Schunick of the team at Northeastern University, the interface uses an array of copper electrodes to sense a certain change in the electric field created by…

  • Nuit Blanche 2008….Toronto celebrates the Arts/Artists.

    Once again Toronto celebrated Nuit Blanche this past weekend (October 04-05). I did not go to last years event, but had attended the very first one (best one thus far IMHO) in 2006. Although the event this year went without a hitch, there were a lot of intoxicated people on the streets and the whole…