say -v "Bad News" fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk
Map any network drive to Mac OS X that auto mounts after system reboot
Here is a quick recipe for making a network drive auto mount on your OSX machine. This works with pretty much any protocol supported by Finders “Connect to Server” option. Here is how you do it: From the Finder, hit Command+K or select Connect to Server from the Go menu. You’ll see the following window,…
Reset iTunes 10 window control buttons
Not sure what’s happening lately in the Apple UI design department. Someone over there decided to reposition the window control buttons (you know x,-,+ aka. close,minimize,maximize) vertically in the latest itunes10 (see pics below). If you prefer the old (proper) way of having them ordered horizontally (see picture above), you can use the commands below:…
OSX Server: Could not setup Mach task special port 9
com.apple.launchd[1] (0x10f860.cron[43786]): Could not setup Mach task special port 9: (os/kern) no access If you’re seeing this warning/error in your OSX Server log files, it is more than likely caused by cron running jobs for mailman subsystem. Even if the Mail process is disabled in Server Admin, OSX will try to run these cron jobs.…
Duplicating service settings under OSX Server…
This mainly applies to how you deal with a backup DHCP server and it’s configuration, but might also be useful for backing up other service settings. One of the things that kinda bugs me about how some services are configured in OSX Server is the fact that the configurations are stored in the directory. For…
MySQL Replication howto for Snow Leopard…
We recently upgraded our servers from old XServe G5’s running Tiger to the latest greatest running Snow Leopard. In this small howto I will deal with the procedure I followed to setup mysql master-slave replication between two new servers. I start out with two (master, slave) empty DB’s, setup the replication and then import my…
Restarting into Mac OS X using the command line, when running Windows…
Okay so this only works in Boot Camp 3.0+ which comes with Snow Leopard (10.6). If you ever find yourself in Windows and need to quickly — using command line — change your boot option to reboot into OSX (process known under OSX as blessing) you can use the following command:c:\progra~1\Bootca~1\bootcamp.exe -StartupDisk “Mac OS” Shutdown…
Forcing 64-bit mode when booting OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard)…
You all probably know about the trick with holding down 6 and 4 keys on your keyboard to force OSX 10.6 to boot using the 64-bit kernel. What you might not know is that it’s temporary and the next time you reboot, you’re back to using the 32 bit kernel. Now I can’t guarantee that…
Undo Closed Tabs in Safari 5.0
This is a neat new feature in safari 5. If you close one of your tabs by mistake you can “undo” it by pressing Cmd+z (in OSX) or Ctrl-z (in Windows). Neato :-)
Cell phone manufacturers learn from Apples mistake…..
Well here it is…..screenshot of page 13 of HTC Droid Eris manual. Looks like Apple got the shaft this time. I guess it was about time :-).