Sixteen months after it’s purchase by Google, JotSpot has been launched into orbit as Google Sites. Our favorite G-Folks have completed their overhaul of JotSpots hosted wiki product. Users now have a choice between five basic templates – a standard wiki, a dashboard where google gadgets can be embedded, a blog-like template for announcements, a file cabinet for file uploads, and a page for lists of items.
Users will now simply embed spreadsheets, presentations and word documents from Google Docs, as well as Google Calendars, YouTube Videos and Picasa Albums. Like Google Docs, Google Sites wikis can be made private, shared with others, or made public. All wiki pages have RSS feeds associated with them to allow users to track any changes.
Google Sites is free (as usual) with a 10 GB storage limit. A premier edition is also available for larger organizations for $50/year/person. Hopefully google will merge it’s undergraduate Google Pages project with Google Sites and create the killer collaboration/social-net site.