Well, just finished listening to the full ISAM release by Amon Tobin on SoundCloud. Wow, dynamite. If you like electronic music, you really should check this out. The one aspect that stood out for me was his use of SoundCloud’s commenting system to create a commentary captioning “trail” throughout the performance. This got me thinking, why can’t we have a system that allows music file “links” be posted to twitter and then have the backend service cull all the people listening to that piece of music and grab their comments via hash tags/RSS in real time and interleave it for all the “participants” in each of the “shared” music spaces. Neato, new term…..”Shared Realtime Collaborative Music Experience”. Time for someone to “make an app for that” :-). BTW, major credit to Create Digital Music for pointing the way. More details on the Tobin performance here.