I love Ubuntu, but there is one thing that really bugs the hell out of me. The default configured editor in Ubuntu is nano, a Pico clone. I hate Pico, therefor I hate nano :-). So how would you go about fixing this and changing the default editor to vi (or vim):
- Issue the following command:
sudo update-alternatives --config editor
- Enter the superuser password when prompted.
- At the following screen choose the number beside the editor you want as default or alternatively just press Enter to keep the default the same.
There are 3 alternatives which provide `editor'.
Selection Alternative
1 /usr/bin/vim.tiny
2 /bin/ed
*+ 3 /bin/nano
Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 1
Using '/usr/bin/vim.tiny' to provide 'editor'.
That’s it…..Have fun.