If you like to get rid of the stripes in the list view of the new Leopard Finder, open a Terminal Window and type in the following two commands:defaults write com.apple.finder FXListViewStripes -bool FALSE
killall Finder
If you want the fancy stripes back at some point later, type the following two commands in Terminal:defaults write com.apple.finder FXListViewStripes -bool TRUE
more to come soon…..
killall Finder
2 responses to “Stripes be gone…..”
thank you!!!! this is just what i’ve been looking for. now if i could just get a decent looking dock (even the dark gray of the simple non-3D dock drives me nuts).
are you talking about that super light, barely visible, ibm mainframe printer looking stripy thingy across the page?
i don’t think it’s that obnoxious…i think it’s cute!