Orton Technique……

You can almost immediately tell Orton modified images. They have a dreamy look to them, with soft blurs, hard edges and are well saturated. Michael Orton developed this technique in slide film. Here is a excellent page describing how you can make your own Orton modified images. There is a entire flickr group dedicated to this technique as well. The video below shows a modified 3 layer Orton technique using Photoshop and layers. More discussion about the video by the author can be found through this flickr discussion thread.

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4 responses to “Orton Technique……”

  1. Thank you for posting this. Technology has really taken photography to new heights.

  2. Hi Many,

    I would appreciat it if you could remove the embedded Youtube video and replace it with a link to the Flickr group discussion thread. There is a lot on that thread that helps add to the learing from the video.



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